Hearing Aid Sales and Repair...Right to your Door
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Chris Gauthier is the founder and owner of In Home Hearing Aids and has been in the hearing industry for more than 20 years manufacturing, repairing, and selling hearing aids. He is a second generation hearing professional who learned from one of the most respected Hearing Engineers in the country. After 20 years of running the family business with his father through cold New England winters, Chris moved to Litchfield Park, Arizona for the eternal sunshine and the chance to start this sister company in the West providing in home hearing aid services to residents of Litchfield Park and surrounding areas.
With so much experience in office-based hearing care, Chris recognized the need for mobile hearing aid services for hearing aids, hearing aid repairs, assistive listening devices and hearing aid supplies. With the pace of life increasing every year, spare time for health appointments becomes scarce and many people find it difficult to travel. Chris chose to take a different approach when he became licensed in Arizona. He would eliminate the stress for customers to travel to and from an office visit. He would eliminate the need for people to alter their busy schedules for hearing healthcare. He would create a company that allows customers to take care of their needs without the hassle of travel. This time around, Chris would take the service straight to the customer's door. This is how In Home Hearing Aids came to be. To schedule an in home hearing aid consultation for yourself or a loved one, please give us a call at (623) 215- 2492 or email us at chris@inhomehearingaids.com